Der er f eller ingen kildehenvisninger i denne artikel. Du kan hjlpe ved at angive kilder til de pstande, som fremfres i artiklen. Eva Pern, Actress: La cabalgata del circo. Eva Mara Duarte was born into a small poor village, Los Toldos. When she was still a child she always knew she wanted to break out and get more than the others from her life. She wanted to become an actress. At the age of 15, she seduced the singer Agustn Magaldi to take her with him on his journey to Buenos Aires, where she soon found work on. Argentina's own Eva Peron gets an Argentine film biography in this production. For a woman who conducted her life with the bold strokes of grand opera, this effort to depict her human dimension. Website is designed by Prestashop Team World of Evita peroni. About Evita Peroni; The History Mara Eva Duarte de Pern (May 7, 1919 July 26, 1952) was the second wife of Argentine President Juan Pern. She was the first lady from 1946 until she died and she served with her husband as a coruler of Argentina during those years. Before she died the Congress made her Spiritual Leader of the Nation. She was an actress before she married Peron. Media in category Eva Pern The following 136 files are in this category, out of 136 total. View the profiles of people named Eva Peron. Join Facebook to connect with Eva Peron and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power to share Mara Eva Duarte de Pern (Los Toldos falu kzelben, 1919. ) Juan Domingo Pern ( ) argentin elnk msodik felesge s politikai tmogatja volt. Argentina npe csak Evitaknt ismerte, ezrek rajongtak rte, hallakor az egsz orszg gyszba borult. The latest Tweets from The Real Eva Peron (@TheRealEvaPeron). Dignifying the life and works of the REAL Eva Pern Dignificar la vida y las obras de la VERDADERA Eva Pern VIVA PERN Y VIVA EVITA! United States Mara Eva Evita Duarte Pern was the wife of populist Argentine president Juan Pern during the 1940's and 1950's. Evita was a very important part of her husband's power: although he was beloved by the poor and working classes, she was even more so. Eva Mara Duarte (Los Toldos o Junn, [1 7 de mayo de 1919Buenos Aires, 26 de julio de 1952), tambin llamada Mara Eva Duarte de Pern y ms conocida como Eva Pern o monnimamente como Evita, fue una dirigente poltica y actriz argentina. Se cas con Juan Domingo Pern en 1945 y tras la asuncin de este como presidente de la Nacin Argentina el ao siguiente, se convirti en. Mara Eva Duarte de Pern, conhecida como Evita (Los Toldos, 7 de Maio de 1919 Buenos Aires, 26 de Julho de 1952), foi uma atriz e lder poltica argentina. Tornouse primeiradama da Argentina quando o general Juan Domingo Pern foi eleito presidente Juan Domingo Pern was born in Lobos, Buenos Aires Province, on 8 October 1895. He was the son of Juana Sosa Toledo and Mario Toms Pern. The Pern branch of his family was originally Spanish, but settled in Spanish Sardinia, from which his greatgrandfather emigrated in the 1830s; in later life Pern would publicly express his pride in his Sardinian roots. Eva Pern fue una mujer que vivi en la pobreza en los aos de su juventud antes de huir hacia Buenos Aires, lugar en donde conoci a su esposo quien llegara a ser presidente de la repblica, para luego luchar en contra de la pobreza, la marginacin y a favor del voto femenino. The Museo Evita was created in 2002 as part of the Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Histricas Eva Pern, operating under the auspices of the National Secretariat of Culture, with Evitas greatniece Mara Cristina Alvarez Rodriguez as president. My favorite story about Eva Peron is still the time she wore her husbands pajamas to dinner with a government official and his wife and when Juan asked her to cook for them she told him to fuck himself and made them all eat canned food The latest Tweets from Eva Pern Resucitada (@evaperonobra). Ceremonia teatral escrita y dirigida por Vicente Zito Lema. Entradas en el link# EvaPernResucitada. Ciudad Autnoma de Buenos Aires From 1946 to 1952, Eva Pern (full name: Mara Eva Duarte de Pernthough she was born Eva Mara Ibarguren) was Argentinas First Lady. Nicknamed Evita, she became a massively popular. Eva Duarte de Pern ( ) was the second wife and political partner of President Juan Pern of Argentina. A formidable political figure in her own right, she was known for her campaign for female suffrage, her role with organized labor, and her organization of a vast social welfare program which benefited and gained the support of the lower classes. Organized for the recovery, historical investigation, and diffusion of the life and works of Maria Eva Duarte de Peron and her relevant contemporaries. Mara Eva Duarte de Pern (alias Mara Eva Ibarguren, men best kjent som Evita (Lille Eva); fdt 7. mai 1919 i Los Toldos i Argentina, dd 26. juli 1952 i Buenos Aires) var en argentinsk skuespiller, sanger og presidentfrue. Hun var gift med general Juan Pern. Eva Pern fikk stor betydning for den politiske utviklingen i Argentina. Eva Pern, the first lady of Argentina, passed away on July 26, 1952 at only 33 years of age. She was powerful, glamorous, charismatic, and a tragic figure whose body didnt come to a peaceful rest until 1974. Eva was the second wife of the most powerful man in Argentina, Juan Pern. Biografa de Eva Pern Mara Eva Duarte de Pern, ms conocida como Eva Pern o Evita Pern, naci en Junn o en Los Toldos, Buenos Aires, el 7 de mayo de 1919, y muri el 26 de julio de 1952 en la ciudad de Buenos Aires. Fue una actriz y poltica argentina, quien sera esposa [ Mara Eva Ibarguren was born in Los Toldos, Argentina, on May 7, 1919. The youngest of five born to Juana Ibarguren and her married employer, Eva was subject from a very young age to unjust discrimination simply because she was an illegitimate child. Three years after Eva Peron's death 60 years ago, her embalmed corpse disappeared, removed by the Argentinian military in the wake of a coup that deposed her husband, President Juan Peron. Mara Eva Duarte de Pern 1919 57 1952 726. Argentina led by Eva Pern is a custom civilization by Leugi, with contributions from Pouakai. This mod requires Brave New World. It replaces the CityState of Buenos Aires with Montevideo. Eva Pern, the wife of Argentine president Juan Pern, was the first lady of Argentina from 1946 until her death in 1952. As the first lady, Eva Pern, fondly called Evita by many, played a major role in her husband's administration. Eva Mara Duarte de Pern was the wife of Argentine President Juan Pern and First Lady of Argentina from 1946 until her death in 1952. She is usually referr View the profiles of people named Eva Peron Francisco. Join Facebook to connect with Eva Peron Francisco and others you may know. Facebook gives people Eva Peron (1919 1952), wife of Argentinian dictator Juan Peron, reads a copy of 'Democrazia the newspaper she owns. Eva Pern used her position as the first lady of Argentina to fight for women's suffrage and improving the lives of the poor. Category Autos Vehicles; Song Cinema Paradiso: Love Theme; Artist Itzhak Perlman; Licensed to YouTube by SME (on behalf of Sony Classical); Unio. A few weeks before she died, Eva Peron rode next to her husband for his second inauguration as President of Argentina. Her cervical cancer, it is said, had rendered her so weak, that she was. Eva Pern [Evita Pern (Eva Duarte de Pern, llamada Evita Pern; Los Toldos, Argentina, 1919 Buenos Aires, 1952) Poltica argentina. Hija ilegtima de Juan Duarte y de Juana Ibarguren, vivi pobremente en su pueblo natal hasta que a los diecisis aos huy a Buenos Aires. Mara Eva Duarte de Pern, (Evita); 7 1919, 26 1952, ), 29 41. Eva Pern starb mit 33 Jahren an Herbst 1951 unterzog sie sich erstmals einer Operation. Etwa ein halbes Jahr vor ihrem Tod wurde als Experte der deutsche Gynkologe Hans Hinselmann eingeflogen. Er war der Entwickler der Kolposkopie, mit der die erste Frherkennung von Gebrmutterhalskrebs mglich war. Mara Eva Duarte de Pern (Junn ou Los Toldos, Province de Buenos Aires [1, le 7 mai 1919 Buenos Aires, le 26 juillet 1952), mieux connue sous le nom dEva Pern ou dEvita, est une actrice et femme politique argentine. Elle pousa en 1945 le colonel Juan Domingo Pern, un an avant laccession de celuici la prsidence de la rpublique argentine. Mara Eva Duarte de Pern (numit i Evita) (n. 26 iulie 1952) a fost soia preedintelui Argentinei, Juan Pern. n anii '40 i '50 ai secolului XX, datorit ei, privirile ntregii lumi sau ntors asupra oraului Buenos Aires i asupra Argentinei. Eva Maria Ibarguren werd op 7 mei 1919 geboren in het dorpje Los Toldos in de provincie Buenos Aires als vijfde kind van Juan Duarte ( ) en Juana Ibarguren ( ). Haar ouders zijn nooit getrouwd, al werden vier van de vijf kinderen (Blanca, Elisa, Erminda en. Mara Eva Duarte de Pern, nata Eva Mara Ibarguren (Los Toldos, 7 maggio 1919 Buenos Aires, 26 luglio 1952), stata un'attrice, politica, sindacalista e filantropa argentina, seconda moglie del Presidente Juan Domingo Pern e First Lady dell'Argentina dal 1946 fino alla morte nel 1952, avvenuta per un tumore, a soli 33 anni. di solito indicata come Eva Pern, o con l'affettuoso. Mara Eva Duarte est ne le 7 mai 1919, fruit des amours illgitimes dun fermier de Chivilcoy (province de Buenos Aires) et de sa servante. Devenue veuve, Madame Duarte ouvre une pension de famille Junn, o elle sobstine pousser ses enfants faire de beaux mariages. C'est le classement de Eva Peron dans le Top 50. Sa position est dtermine selon un score calcul partir de points cumuls sur les 30 derniers jours. Comme Claude Franois possde une note de 5 5 (et donc suprieure 2), elleestautorise participer au Top 50. Eva Pern: Eva Pern, Argentine political figure who was a powerful leader during the first presidential term of her husband, Juan Pern. Juan Pern: Juan Pern, army colonel who became president of Argentina (, , ) and was founder and leader of the Peronist movement. Pern in his career was in many ways typical of the upwardly mobile, lowermiddleclass youth of Argentina. Espaol: Eva Pern, nacida como Mara Eva Duarte, y conocida popularmente como Evita fue una actriz y poltica argentina, esposa del presidente Juan Domingo Pern y primera dama de la Argentina de 1946 a 1952, as como presidenta de la Fundacin Eva Pern.