[ She was the equivalent of the Greek goddess Hecate, the goddess of witchcraft, the threeway crossroads and the harvest moon. She was an underworld Titangoddess who assisted Jove in the Titanomachy and was therefore able to keep her powers. Hecate (sometimes spelled Hekate) was originally a Thracian, and preOlympian Greek goddess, and ruled over the realms of earth and fertility rituals. As a goddess of childbirth, she was often invoked for rites of puberty, and in some cases watched over maidens who were beginning to menstruate. Hecate or Hekate ( h k t i; ancient Greek, Hekt; in Shakespeare h k t ) [1 is a chthonic GrecoRoman goddess associated with magic, witchcraft, necromancy, and crossroads. [2 HEKATE (Hecate) was the goddess of magic, witchcraft, the night, moon, ghosts and necromancy. She was the only child of the Titanes Perses and Asteria from. Hecate was the goddess of magic, witchcraft and necromancy, among many other things Find this Pin and more on Hekate by Victoria Newton. Hecate, keeper of the crossroads. Hecate: Goddess of the Witches! Different traditions of Wicca honour different deities, but Hecate seems to cross all the boundaries. Hecate is the Crone Goddess of Wicca, the third phase of the Moon Goddess. This is a title that seems a natural for the Goddess of the Boundaries. Witchcraft taps into the forces of creation through a. Trivia, seriously was the roman goddess of witchcraft, 3 way crossraods and the harvest moon and therefore equivalent to Hecate in Greek mythology. Hecate or Hekate (; Greek, Ancient (to 1453); : , Hekt) is a goddess in ancient Greek religion and mythology, most often shown holding a pair of torches or a key and in later periods depicted in triple form. She was variously associated with crossroads, entranceways, light, magic, witchcraft, knowledge of herbs and poisonous plants, ghosts, necromancy, and sorcery. Hecate is one of the most intriguing characters of Classical mythology. As goddess of magic and witchcraft, Hecates name is still front of mind when talking about the history and mythology of magic and yet, little is known of the figure and many of her representations are contradictory and puzzling. The Hecate Trinity, Statue of Liberty, The ChristianBabylonian Trinity Posted on July 26, 2016 by Pastor Tati What most people fail to realize is the Statue of Liberty is nothing more than a mammoth idol of the Hecate goddess an idol of her shown on the left. Hecate is the Greek goddess of witchcraft, magic, the crossroads, night or darkness. Hecate is also one of the three moon goddesses the other two are Artemis and Selene. She is the daughter of the goddess Asteria and the titan Perses Hecate was a only child. The Worship of Hekate, the Roman goddess of witchcraft and magic The Romans were highly practical and believed that their gods and goddesses controlled everything in their lives and therefore every occupation and task had its presiding Roman goddess or god. The Night of Enitharmon's Joy, often referred as The Triple Hecate or simply Hecate, is a 1795 work of art by the English artist and poet William Blake which depicts Enitharmon, a female character in his mythology, or Hecate, a chthonic GrecoRoman goddess of magic and the underworld. The Hecate Chiaramonti a Roman marble statue of a triple Hecate based on an earlier Greek original. The earliest Greek depictions of Hecate are single faced, not triplicate. Lewis Richard Farnell states: The evidence of the monuments as to the character and significance. From Ancient Greek (Hekt), possibly the feminine equivalent of Hecate. The powerful goddess, in Greek mythology, of magic, crossroads, fire, light, the moon, and the underworld. Her Roman counterpart is Trivia. 100 Hekate, a main belt asteroid. Much like the Celtic hearth goddess Brighid, Hecate is a guardian of crossroads, and often symbolized by a spinning wheel. In addition to her connection to Brighid, she is associated with Diana Lucifera, who is the Roman Diana in her aspect as lightbearer. Hecate is the daughter of the Titans Perses and Asteria. She is the Greek goddess of magic, sorcery, witchcraft, crossroads, trivial knowledge, necromancy, ghosts, and the night. According to The House of Hades, she is also the goddess of the Mist. She also represents the dark side of the moon Trivia in Roman mythology was the equivalent of the Greek goddess Hecate, the goddess of witchcraft, the threeway crossroads, and the harvest moon. She was an underworld Titangoddess who. Discover the myths surrounding the mysterious Hecate, the Greek goddess of magic, witchcraft, spectres, the night and the moon and the the Queen of Ghosts. She was the only child of the Titans Perses and Asteria, others say the daughter of Nyx and Erebus. Hecate (Greek: ) is the Greek goddess of witchcraft, the dead, and crossroads. Hecate was the daughter of Perses, god of destruction, and Asteria, goddess of astronomy. Her offspring was the sorceress Circe, lover of Odysseus. Hecate, Athenian blackfigure kylix C6th B. , Museum der Universitt Tbingen HEKATE (Hecate) was the goddess of witchcraft, necromancy, ghosts and crossroads. She had few temples in the ancient world but small household shrineserected to ward off evil and the malevolent powers of witchcraftwere quite common. Hekate, or Hecate is the Goddess of Witchcraft, magic, sorcery, necromancy, the night, the dark side of the moon, ghosts, crossroads, trivial knowledge, herbalism, witches and the underworld, often seen as a threefold goddess like the phases of Moon. Hecate has been depicted as a threefold lunar Goddess and the equivalent to the Roman Trivia. In this form she has been associated as the MaidenMotherCrone and has been depicted with PersephoneDemeter, Selene, DianaArtemis fulfilling the crone aspect of the Triple Goddess. Trivia in Roman mythology was the equivalent of the Greek goddess Hecate, the goddess of witchcraft, the threeway crossroads, and the harvest moon. She was an underworld Titangoddess who. Hecate or Hekate (hkti; ancient Greek, Hekt) was a goddess in Greek religion and mythology, most often shown holding two torches or a key and in later periods depicted in triple form. She was variously associated with crossroads, entranceways, fire, light, the Moon, magic, witchcraft, knowledge of herbs and poisonous. This delightful sketch leaves out yet another goddess commonly thrown into the mix. That would be Trivia, deemed the Roman equivalent of Hecate, who is the goddess of crossroads depicted with three heads. In Evelyn Shirley Shuckburgh's 1879 translation of Ovid's Epistles, she notes: The threeheaded goddess Trivia is a kind of infernal Luna or Diana: and thus connected with witchcraft. Hecate or Hekate ( h k t i; Greek Hekt) is a goddess in Ancient Greek religion and mythology, most often shown holding two torches or a key [1 and in later periods depicted in triple form. She was variously associated with crossroads, entranceways, light, magic, witchcraft, knowledge of herbs and poisonous plants, ghosts, necromancy, and sorcery. Hecate was the goddess who appeared most often in magical texts such as the Greek Magical Papyri and curse tablets, along with Hermes. Traditionally, Hecate is represented as carrying torches, very often has a knife, and may appear holding a rope, a key, a phial, flowers, or a pomegranate. Trivia in Roman mythology was the goddess who haunted crossroads, graveyards, and was the goddess of sorcery and witchcraft, she wandered about at night and was seen only by the barking of dogs who told of her approach. Despite popular belief, she was not the equivalent of the Greek goddess Hecate, the goddess of witchcraft, the threeway crossroads and the harvest moon. Hecate was an influential supporter of Medea and modern goddess of witches and witchcraft. Hecate has been appropriated by the contemporary Neopagan religion of Wicca. As the Queen of Ghosts she became the divine figure of night creatures and nighttime apparitions of devilish and noisome hellhounds and revenants. a goddess of the moon, earth, and underground realm of the dead, later regarded as the goddess of sorcery and witchcraft. Classical Latin from Classical Greek Hekat of crossroads, fire, light, the moon, and the underworld; equivalent to the Roman goddess. Hecate or Hekate ( h k t i; Greek Hekt) is a goddess in ancient Greek religion and mythology, most often shown holding a pair of torches or a key and in later periods depicted in triple form. She was variously associated with crossroads, entranceways, light, magic, witchcraft, knowledge of herbs and poisonous plants, ghosts, necromancy, and sorcery. The Goddess Hecate Hecate: Ancient Earth and Moon Goddess She is the dark aspect of the moon and the bowels of the earth. The ending yet the beginning, she is renewed as ArtemisPersophone, coming to fruition as SeleneDemeter. Hecate or Hekate (ancient Greek, theophoric names involving hekatrefer to a major deity free from the dark and unsavoury ties to the underworld and to witchcraft associated with the Hecate of classical Athens. But he cautions, The Laginetan goddess may have had a more infernal character than scholars. Hecate was the chief goddess presiding over magic and spells. She witnessed the abduction of Demeters daughter Persephone to the underworld and, torch in hand, assisted in the search for her. Thus, pillars called Hecataea stood at crossroads and doorways, perhaps to keep away evil spirits. Goddess of Witchcraft Hekate has long been a Goddess of magic spells and witchcraft. At the Ancient altars of Eleusis thick nails were driven into the ground or the altar, piercing through a piece of parchment rolled into a flattened tube, on which was written the name of someone to be cursed. The Goddess Hecate is a triple Goddess in that She rules the Heavens, Earth and the Underworld. Witchcraft demands intellectual freedom and the courage to confront our own assumptions. It is not a belief system: it is a constantly selfrenewed attitude of joy and wonder to the world. So Im still a baby witch (yes I know so many of us always asking questions) and Ive been looking into various gods and goddesses to see if Hecate is the goddess of magic, crossroads, ghosts, the moon, necromancy, and witchcraft. She lived in the Underworld and sometimes a cave when she was on Earth. She was one of the main gods worshiped in Athenian households as a protective goddess and one who bestowed prosperity and daily blessings on the family. A GrecoRoman Goddess, some Wiccans on the more Gothic side tend to follow Hecate as their Wiccan Goddess. She is the Wiccan Goddess of the crossroads (between life and death), magic, and witchcraft. Astarte is another well known and followed. Roman equivalent: Trivia: In Sandra Heath's regency romance novel Halloween Magic, Hecate appears as the goddess of witchcraft and evil, whom Judith Villiers worships. Judith summons Hecate's face in a stone called the Lady in order to perform her magic. Originally a goddess of the wilderness and childbirth among early Greek and Egyptian civilizations, Hecate (or Hekate or Hekat) achieved her connotations as a goddess of sorcery and her role as the Queen of Ghosts in Ptolemaic Alexandria in the final centuries BC. HECATE was the goddess of magic, witchcraft, the night, moon, ghosts and necromancy. She was the only child of the Titanes Perses and Asteria from whom. Frequently cited as a virgin goddess. Roman equivalent: theophoric names involving hekatrefer to a major deity free from the dark and unsavoury ties to the underworld and to witchcraft associated with the Hecate of classical Athens. [4 it was sacred to the bloodeating goddess Hecate. It seems a symbolic summation of all the negative. My most favourite and revered Goddess Hecate Dark Goddess Queen of Witchcraft Hecate Dark Goddess Incense Mermade Knowledge of land ( plants flower seed ) Hecate could pass through all realms and was wise in occult (hidden) ways. may be an equivalent of the Virgin Mary in Tolkien's own Catholic faith. The Nature of Hecate Goddess of Witches by Gary R Varner. A chapter from a book in progress by Gary R. Varner, Hecate The Witches' Goddess. Contrary to popular NeoPagan literature, Hecate was much more than a Dark Goddess focused purely on death and sorcery.