Watch TimeFlight, Part Two season 19 episode 24 (TimeFlight, Part Two). The Doctor's TARDIS is stolen, and tracking it down reveals the existence of an alien named Kalid controlling events in the past. While the Doctor challenges Kalid's motives for being there, Tegan and Nyssa discover the source of Kalid's power an even greater threat for the Doctor. The Doctor takes Rose on her first voyage through time, to the year five billion. The Doctor takes Rose on her first voyage through time, to the year five billion. 45 mins Available for 2 months The two part sets are much cheaper than buying the whole set, and the only thing missing is Doctor Who Confidential which is fun, but not worth paying double for. Read more One person found this helpful Christopher's Doctor Who Covers 11th Doctor (Part Two) Doctor Who DVD covers for recons and new series in R2 style. What part do his Cult of Morbius have to play in this plan DISCLAIMER: Only the voices and storyline are my own. Doctor Who, it's characters and other content belong to their respective owners. Inferno: Part 2 The green slime oozing from the drill head is transforming men into monsters. The Doctor begins to suspect that penetrating the earths crust will create more Primords but Stahlman sabotages the computer to stop him proving it. The second series of British science fiction programme Doctor Who began on 25 December 2005 with the Christmas special The Christmas Invasion. Following the special, a regular series of thirteen episodes was broadcast, starting with New Earth on 15 April 2006. In addition, two short special episodes were produced; a Children in Need special and an interactive episode, as well as 13. There are no featured audience reviews yet. Click the link below to see what others say about Doctor Who: The End of Time Part Two (2009 Christmas Special). The twins suffer complications from their surgery, forcing the team at San Jose Boneventure Hospital to make a lifechanging decision. Meanwhile, Shaun returns to the hospital after his trip with. A sixpart fanedit of the 1984 television serial The Doctor faces the end of his life, as the Master's victory unleashes the greatest terror of all. Part of the BBC Christmas 2009 season. The Two Doctors was the fourth serial of season 22 of Doctor Who. It was the first appearance of the Sontarans since Season 15's The Invasion of Time. The Second Doctor returned, played by Patrick Troughton, as did Jamie McCrimmon, played by Frazer Hines, both having last appeared in the Doctor Who: Time, Part Two Red Nose Day 2011 BBC Comic Relief Night A special twopart mini episode with the Doctor, Amy and Rory in danger aboard the TARDIS. Watch Doctor Who (1963) Season 12, Episode 6 The Ark in Space, Part Two: Deep space, the distant future: following Earth's devastation by solar flares, the survivors of mankind are in cryogenic With the threat of doom everpresent, the Doctor and Adric press on for Logopolis, where the muttered mathematical incantations of its people can completely overhaul the. [Black void (Gallifrey is in ruins. Only the Citadel stands inside its protective dome. The man we saw as the Narrator in part one strides across a bridge followed. The Doctor visits all his old companions one last time, from Martha and Mickey to Captain Jack to Sarah Jane to Donnashame that Russell Davies wrote himself into a corner and the two dont share any scenesto Rose, who sees him for the last time on the eve of meeting him for the first. This is the first two part episodes and I thought it was very well done. They covered topics that are too large for one episode, such as the twins separation and Shaun's social needs. I recommend this series and these two episodes in particular. Islands: Part Two is the twelfth episode of Season 1 of The Good Doctor. This episode aired January 15, 2018. The twins suffer complications from their surgery forcing the team at San Jose Boneventure Hospital to make a lifechanging decision. The Good Doctor Island part 2 continues with Dr. Bonaventure hospital from his time on the road. The Good Doctor returns with its second episode of the twopart. Part 1 simply lead up to the Pond's leaving, and Part 2 is basically random adventures with Clara until the last one, which springs your right into the 50th anniversary. It's definitely different than